What caught my eye on the internet this week.
Elementary School Dumps Homework and Tells Kids to Play Instead – No link between homework and current or future academic success, yet parents complain. Sigh.
Have you ever wondered where books come from? – Aww, look at the little baby booklings without covers!
Why I Wear the Mantilla – I cover my hair at my parish, along with a few other women. This is why.
Alice Medrich’s Best Cocoa Brownies – Well. These look amazing.
How to #YOLO in Latin – yolo, yolare, yolavi, yolatus
A weasel riding a woodpecker as it would appear in Mouse Guard – Avaunt!
Gack! I couldn’t get past the first sentence in the mantilla article–they weren’t wearing lace mantillas in New Testament times! Poor sentence structure. (I wear a hat, if you’d like to know.)