Hey look!
It’s Abby!
You’re going to clean up all that cut paper, right?
Sigh. Ah, here’s Gilbert!
And Trixie!
Oh, I got all the fabric! That’s red wool twill, white linen, unbleached cotton muslin, light blue check wool flannel, purple check wool twill, and black/grey coating underneath it all.
Faith approves.
The end.
Aaah, Home Sweet Home!
lol…are you going to make shirts for your poor nekkid chirren?
What warm clothes you will have. And beautiful no doubt! That black/gray material is especially nice.
oh I <3 the fabric. I am hoping to get some plaid shirting fabric soon and try my hand at making shirts. Should be fun and interesting :). AFTER, of course, I make halloween costumes (2 dragons, 2 vikings, one undead warlock, the muse Io, and baby Perseus) and the two costumes that I have commissioned. ACK!