sickness gone? new glasses, maybe leave the house

I think, I think, the childern are all done with puking. I think. Clementine was the last one and it was 2 days ago. Still upset in diaper terms, but no further upchucking. Fingers crossed.

Which is good because I had to take apart the carseats, both of which got ralphed on, and wash them, dry them, then put them back together. Kind of a pain, but not as difficult as I thought it would be. It was a good opportunity to make sure they both were still at the right settings though. (They were.) The actual car has not been cleaned, really, just spot cleaned. I would say a lick and a promise, but, ew. However it is dry and reasonably sweet smelling, and I’ll lay down towels for the more squeamish of the lot. Because honestly we have to get out of the house or they will mutiny.

And in other news I finally ordered new spectacles for Gilbert and Faith, who have both complained abut their current frames being wonky. I spent the big bucks too, Gilbert’s cost almost seven entire dollars. Seriously, $6.95 for prescription glasses. How do they do that? And more importantly, why are the other seemingly identical construction plastic frames so much more? I bought two. Faith is somewhat more particular and chose classic black Wayfarer frames for the still cheap price of like $16 or so. There will be pictures of the two in their new face accessories in a week or so. I think Trixie needs glasses as well, need to get her an appointment.

So that’s the state of the household here. Back to normal, one hopes!

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