Quine has had some language gains! She has kept ball, and added apple, banana, cheese and cookie. She also says uh-oh! but it doesn't seem to be meaningful in a standard sense. She has been watching Gloria and Dorothy for cues and nonverbal prompts in games at well. I have such hope for this child that she will continue bloom and her little self will be revealed. The person we see is very much her, of course, but communicating with her is such a trick! She still drags us around and places our hands on the things she needs, which means we usually figure it out. She's pretty patient, and if she is crying in frustration and we figure out why, she immediately calms and continues bopping along. What a pretty little thing she is too. #autistiquine #autism
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I would say Clementine is more of a Ferb than a Phineas.
Yeah she’s definitely a man of action.