bede drawing, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.
Bede has begun drawing! He’s been writing for over a year, but these are among his first drawings. Sometimes they have faces too, either a happy face or a sad one.
catholic homeschool weirdo mom
bede drawing, originally uploaded by feebeeglee.
Bede has begun drawing! He’s been writing for over a year, but these are among his first drawings. Sometimes they have faces too, either a happy face or a sad one.
Wow, that’s really beautiful!
I like the shifts in color!
i want a tee shirt with that on it.
i love those colors!!!
i also like how the people overlap. bede is so creative!
That’s great and really cute!
So cool! That’s a big step…
and yes, Christmas cards with that on front would be cool, with a logo “peace and goodwill to all men” or something along that nature.
(art school grad here …)
That is one AWESOME drawing! I totally love the deliberate overlapping of the figures, and the color progression.
Beautiful. Your boy has talent : )
Good grief! I well remember when pencils, pens and markers first began to be picked up voluntarily and things started to appear ON PAPER. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Meet you on the third cloud on the left.
Melt….Bugga really loves that picture – and the wonderful little guy who drew it!
I love rainbowy stuff!!!
I love this -to me it says we are all the same but different! A spectrum!!