My friend C has a mom, like most of us. Like my mom. And very much like my mom, in one VERY IMPORTANT respect: they both really, really like this guy.
That’s Toby Keith, for those of you who don’t follow country music. He’s a native son here in Oklahoma. My mom and I saw him with stageside seats right as Should Have Been A Cowboy was climbing the charts, for free, at the State Fair, with about a hundred other people. Now his concerts are considerably harder to get into.
Which is where YOU come in!
C’s mom will win four tickets to see Toby in concert if her dog wins a contest. She’s in second place! Here are your instructions:
1. Go here.
2. Vote for dog #9. The little black dog with the enormous tongue. That’s Dog #9.
3. Refresh the page and do it again.
4. Repeat!
you’re the best! thanks so much! <3
I’ll vote – but quick get me a dog with a bigger tongue to enter in the contest. I want to win, too!
Thank you for the help! My son missed seeing Toby in Iraq, but my husband is looking forward to going here! Tell Bugga that there isn’t a bigger tongue anywhere! Thank you again. BTW, I have a niece that lives just south of OK City!
I voted, but just once because I read this on their rules page:
Voting is unlimited. If an entrant receives multiple and/or irregular votes or multiple votes from the same user or users, including but not limited to, votes generated by a robotic, programmed, script, macro, other automated means or other source, the Station reserves the right to disqualify the finalist in its sole discretion.
I don’t want them to disqualify her!
Done! I voted twice… I don’t think that qualifies as a spambot. 🙂
I voted for him about 10 times, I’ll do more later. Good Luck!
I can’t stand the guy, but I voted twice.
The contest is over. Thanks to everyone for your support! We finished in second place unofficially. Thank you feebeeglee!
i voted a few dozen times. i hope they all counted. sorry she lost:(
thanks again for all of the help! 🙂
Toby Keith is yummy! Sorry she didn’t win = (