a week of ticky boxes

We made it through the week and checked everything almost everything off the list!

Just that pesky unfilled triangle on the end there.

So I’ll read that tomorrow, that’s the next chapter of Hatchet, our book club book. The kids are really enjoying it. We read Minecraft: The Island last month, and it’s been fun to compare the two. Hatchet is written at a higher level than M:TI and Gloria was having a little trouble with the writing style more than anything. (Especially at the beginning, when Brian is feeling sorry for himself and furious with his mother. Later, after the plane crash, he gets less emo.) Anyway, that means I’m reading it aloud, and I missed today.

Gilbert is chugging along in American History, as am I! Abby had a headache for a few days, most likely allergy related, so she didn’t start yet. I want to make a timeline for the wall like we had when we did World History. It was fun to put the folks we learned about on the line. I’ve been jilted by the seller of the old Oak Meadow I bought, so I’m requesting eBay get involved. Bah. I know I can do this quite easily without a curriculum, so that’s what I’ll do. I asked the battle-scarred homeschool parents list I’m on for middle grade AmHist book recs, and man, did they deliver! Many that I knew and had planned but quite a few that I hadn’t thought of or didn’t know. I’m still planning that out.

Tomorrow is Batman Day at New World Comics, which is fun. A couple of the kids are sniffly, but I think it might be doable anyway. And now it’s bedtime, goodnight.

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