Today was so nice. Our dear friends came for a visit and seeing the smiles on their faces as they ran up our sidewalk was fantastic. The kids all played and talked and Renee and I got to talk. Renee is one of those friends who really hears what you are saying. When I talk to her I feel like I have all of her attention, that she is listening to me and extrapolating meaning from my words. Not one of those people who is just waiting to talk! Tabitha you’re like that too 🙂
Then we all had lunch, turned the kids (all eight of them!) to the backyard and Renee and I made challah. Which is baking now. Mmm.
Bede was attentive and fairly calm today. It was a relief for all!
Awww. We had a blast you guys are so wonderful! And I’m pleased to announce: We are withdrawing this week. A dose of reality homeschooling was all it took! Whooo hoooo!