Hyperlexia: A Literary Journal Celebrating the Autistic Spectrum

I’m thrilled to announce this to you all: I’m the co-editor of the above journal. You can see more at the journal’s web site, here.

Hyperlexia: A Literary Journal Celebrating the Autistic Spectrum is looking for your fiction, poetry, and personal essays. Our inaugural issue is planned for October 2008. Send submissions to submissions@hyperlexiajournal.com and please include the full text of your writing in the email if you send a PDF or a Word file. Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2008.

Hyperlexia is interested in honest, thoughtful, well-written poetry and prose about being autistic, and loving someone with autism. Our journal is a celebration of real life with autism, both the good and the bad. We want genuine and truthful writing about autism. You can be serious, sad, or funny. We believe in respecting the diversity of the human mind and discriminatory writing or hatred of any kind will not be published. Submissions should be 1500 words or less.

I’m one of 3 editors. The other two are Brittney Corrigan and Kerry Cohen Hoffmann. They’re much better writers than I and I’m honestly just pleased as punch that I’m included.

So, get writing! This thing will only fly if you write for it, after all! Deadline for submissions is August 31.

11 thoughts on “Hyperlexia: A Literary Journal Celebrating the Autistic Spectrum

  1. way to go! i have the hardest time coming up with ideas to write about, but if i do think of something i’ll submit for consideration. best wishes with the endeavor!

  2. I’ve done a lot of musing about this topic on my blog over the last year or so. I found a perfect post, edited it a bit, and have sent it off. Thanks for the opportunity of letting my voice be heard.

  3. I found your blog from Kelley’s. I have a 7 yr old son on the spectrum. You’re doing a wonderful thing.

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