Here are a few Bedeisms. Bedeish.
Pants are ‘japans.’ Always.
He likes me to make letters out of Play-Doh. He specifies “Want see ‘a’?” or, alternately, “Want see CAPSLOCK ‘A’?”
We have a box of candy canes that look like these. He saw them in the cabinet a few days ago and said “Want see Bob? Want see red-n-white Bob? Want see red-n-white Bob Js?”
And my favorite… arms up, sweet boy says, “I love you!” as he’s scooped up for a great big hug.
Awww. No wonder! CAPSLOCK A…. that one made me laugh. It’s great you are capturing these for sweet reminders later.
CAPSLOCK A–I love it!
CAPLOCK A is great!
I started writing a blog post here. lol. LOVE the CL A too.