That was hirlarious! I think maybe the priniciple behing the chair *might* come from physioballs. When I worked as a secretary at MIT, I started having some back/ hip pain from sitting so much, so I asked around and there was a secretary and professor one floor down who both used physioballs as chairs. They said it was good for you because it kept your legs “in play” while you were sitting (not to mention the fun of bouncing when you were waiting for something to download, or that you could stretch out over it if your back got tired. Anyway, I borrowed one and tried it for a few days and it was great! The “Hawaii” chair takes that idea to a new (and, if I may, silly) extreme!
(babe in lap) I’m watching with the sound off even and about ready to pee my pants, lol is an understatement! I so needed that!
errr..that’s me heather(mama) 😉
That was hirlarious! I think maybe the priniciple behing the chair *might* come from physioballs. When I worked as a secretary at MIT, I started having some back/ hip pain from sitting so much, so I asked around and there was a secretary and professor one floor down who both used physioballs as chairs. They said it was good for you because it kept your legs “in play” while you were sitting (not to mention the fun of bouncing when you were waiting for something to download, or that you could stretch out over it if your back got tired. Anyway, I borrowed one and tried it for a few days and it was great! The “Hawaii” chair takes that idea to a new (and, if I may, silly) extreme!
I about lost it when she tried to pour water!!!! I can’t wait to show Rod. That is just so funny!