So Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat.
I’m going to list some kid gift ideas here. It’s tougher this year because no China, thanks.
- Unit blocks. Melissa and Doug make a nice set.
- Playmobil will be making the bulk of our little figure play toys. They don’t guarantee China-free, but less than 2% of their toys are made there, and they own the manufacturing facilities.
- Faith wants a bead kit. Not Aqua Dots, thanks. Hmm. Ah! These are made in the US. I think we have a winner.
I’ll be updating this one throughout the day.
Last Saturday I had to run into Target to get some socks as we were driving to a family dinner (don’t ask, you really don’t want to know) and stopped for a moment to look at their flyer they put up on the wall. They were advertising a special deal on AquaDots. Do you know if they have been re-manufactured and are being sold again? I can’t believe Target (who is always good about pulling recalled products off shelves in my experience) would be selling something that had been recalled weeks ago. I couldn’t find anything when I googled.
My kids are getting PlayMobil and Lego this Christmas, oh and I found American made Lincoln Logs at a store that I had a 20% off coupon for! I was pretty psyched.
Hey! I was looking at those perler bead kids too. Great minds think alike, methinks.
Emily, on the aquadots, the holiday ads were designed something like six months ago (aka before the recall) and so if you look in the toy section, the aquadot section is empty with recall notices taped all over. I was a bit concerned myself.
Dan wants a doll. A boy doll like American Girl dolls. I have no idea where to even look for something like that. I know when Josh was little there was one released, but Josh didn’t really like dolls. So I’m looking at sewing a cloth one. If anyone has any ideas as to where I could buy a quality boy doll, please let me know!