It's Bookshark Box Day for meeee! I ordered my Instructor's Guides and science supplies for next year because we're finishing up Week 22 and I know we'll be done before I know it. We homeschool year round, so there will be about a two week break between Levels before we're back in. Since I've been homeschooling for so long, I have 3/4ths of the books we need already, so it doesn't make sense to buy the complete curriculum from Bookshark (altho they do have a good discount and free shipping when you buy the lot.) I get the IGs and any consumables from Bookshark and then find used copies of the stuff we're missing on eBay, Amazon, Facebook, or Thriftbooks. I'm excited for next year! This is for my 9th, 8th, and 6th grade kids. I didn't need anything for my 1st/2nd grader because she'll be the seventh one I've homeschooled (see above :-)..#bookshark #booksharkbookshock #homeschooling #gleesoneclectic
Posted by Intagrate Lite